Miley Cyrus’ gyrating, scantily-clad image makes me seethe, but not at her.
I watched a video to see what all the fuss was about and saw that she was just like me and you…
This is what I would tell the Miley in all of us:
You were born beautiful, destined for a beautiful life.
The life you’re living now is a deception, an illusion of beauty, for longing eyes without the filter of love cannot appraise, much less provide true beauty.
What you seek cannot be found in sullied satin sheets, not worlds of wealth and fame that seek to mame, kill and destroy.
What is empty will only leave you destitute.
I see it in your eyes: you are the daughter of a King.
Do not live as a slave to other slaves.
Arise to wear your lovely princess crown and seek true love alongside love’s Creator.
Your Father loves you fiercely.
Maybe you don’t remember Him, He’s the one you weep for when you feel alone among your glass menagerie.
And He weeps with you as you tumble-stumble, unaware of His presence.
A lover like no other, wholly holy love mere men can only emulate, yet seldom do.
Unlike the flesh-man, He will never leave you nor forsake you.
In the temple of your body, He resides.
When God created you in the inmost being, he fleshed you out around a spirit long predestined.
You are not your flesh alone.
You are made from love original; every tissue you expose was once knit together in a secret place. That is where your beauty sleeps.
The lie you believe—that your flesh itself is beauty to be flaunted, lusted for—is but a man-made scheme to expose what should be kept for only loving eyes.
You are spirit, body and soul.
Cover once again what others have exposed for gawking, and hold each sacred treasure close as love itself.
Take heed, most precious ones. Do not be deceived by the image you see reflected in a foggy mirror. Do not believe the lie that flesh alone makes you beautiful. Look deep within to see the holy beauty few can see.
“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 2 Corinthians 3:12 (NIV)