Celi Turner
BellĂsima: becoming beautiful inside and out
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Moments of Love & Joy
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Chris, age 6.
Some thriftstore finds: peace in unexpected places…;)
Starlight sparkle.
Walking in a winter wonderland at Botanic Gardens.
Sparkling snowy night.
More thriftstore finds..peace in unexpected places ;).
A 2nd tree I stuffed with everything, including wreaths, the angel and giant snowflakes. Good thing I don’t have a pet..or in the tree they’d go!
Keaton, age 5.
Mr. and Miss cutest couple: Keaton & Brittany.
A lovely going away gift from dear friends decorates sitting room.
This snowman from an old friend always makes me smile.
Elise & I made lots of things, including little scenes in glasses.
A Holy Night of worship.
He gets his own tree.
Published on
30 December, 2013
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