Four Blessings Inhibited by Insecurity
It has been both a beautiful and awful past six months. New home, new job, new daughter-in-law. Nana Estela moved in to warm our hearts and bellies. Loved ones revolved in and out of hospital rooms and we whispered anxious entreaties. And, then–the startling and tragic loss of a Curtis’ brother, Dusty. Death should always […]

I’m Not in Love with Jesus Anymore
Gone are youthful days of weighty sighs and swoops of passion focused upward toward a deity I could not take down from the throne. A little jesus reduced to an idol with no voice on a man-made pedestal. A false god I invented to suit my needs left me spent and breathless. Yet Christ has […]

Moments of Love & Joy
Admission: The holidays have come and gone except for New Year’s, and with them all my good intentions of keeping focus on the Advent of Christ. I am easily distracted by the smallest details. I am also often overwhelmed by larger difficulties. Just like the new Christmas camera I’m still learning how to use, I […]

Chile Colorado Recipe
Elise & I had a snow day! I was supposed to go to an ugly sweater women’s luncheon and take something, but I didn’t go because of the weather. I was planning to take a Mexican dish called chile colorado. Some people also call it mole. Elise has been asking me to teach her to […]

Waiting Together
I’m looking forward to Christmas now, though I’m not yet finished being grateful! I’m a day behind with this Advent post, but it was worth the wait to make a beautiful space at our table. I hope you’ll join me in the joy. It’s Christmas season– a beautiful time of light and hope. I felt […]
Bellas Conversaciones
A veces pienso que lo que le digo a Dios es demasiado trivial, demasiado impaciente, demasiado tonto, demasiado … demasiado_________ . Pero estoy muy equivocada. Él nos quiere escuchar. Adicionales pensamientos: En caso de que no lo hayan notado , no sólo trato de conocer a Dios intelectualmente , trato de experimentar […]

Beautiful Conversations
Sometimes I think what I have to say to God is too trivial, too impatient, too silly, too…too_________. But I’m so wrong. He desires to hear us. Bunny trail: In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t just attempt to know God intellectually, I try to experience God in the every day (though often I […]
RAW: Real, Angry, Weeping Part 3
This is the last of a 3 part post. W is for weeping. In American culture, crying out or weeping is often seen as weak and pitiful. We’re often uncomfortable with people who weep because we don’t always know how to respond. But in other cultures, including my own Hispanic culture, weeping is necessary and […]
RAW: Real, Angry, Weeping Part 1
God continues to teach me new lessons in transparency..sigh. I’m feeling somewhat overexposed, just like Eve in the garden scrambling for something to hide behind. A few weeks ago I attended a women’s discipleship luncheon where the speaker, Stephanie Henderson, challenged us to get raw with God, as David did in his weeping and even […]

Where I’m From: Learning to Live in the Dirt
I almost didn’t post this because I was afraid you’d think I write strangely and want to correct my grammar and punctuation. But this is who I am: words are like music, like lyrics to me. So bear with me as I wax poetic. Today I need an outlet, but I know words don’t always […]
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