Curly Queued: Quick Hair Tutorial
As I’ve mentioned before, I have wrestled with my Latina hair for years: tugging, straightening, relaxing…poor fluffy poof! It has taken many years to learn how to tame my hair without completely erasing my ethnicity and damaging it in the process. I have to say, there’s a message here for all of us: You […]
October Photo Re-Cap: 3 Beautiful Insights continued
As promised, this is a review of Stitch Fix, an online personal style consult. Over-all I give Stitch Fix I signed up for my first “fix” on in October. I was very excited to receive these four pieces in the mail with handy style suggestions on the little cards pictured above, plus… : this collar […]
Color Me Bold
Phewf..I’m exhausted from all the self-disclosure. I wanted to keep it light this week with some fun fashion and beauty tips. First, I wanted to show you my do-it-yourself hair color. I was getting bored with my dark hair and tried a modified ombre look, with a semi-permanent dark burgundy color on top. This […]
Less Is More: 5 Tips for Keeping Clothes Classy
Consider me, as my sweet, dear friend Sharon once said , “a nicer Christian version of the lady on What Not to Wear.” Here’s what Stacy London and I might say to Christian gals: A tight slinky cocktail dress and spike heels are not for church or the office. Jeans are not professional, unless you […]
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