Beautiful Transitions: Where We Are Matters

I have been remiss in writing. I think I’ve mentioned before:  I am not a multi-tasker. I get easily distracted by what’s happening or what I’m supposed to be making happen.

I was imagining the other day what it would be like if I still lived in Small Town America. Would things be easier? Maybe. But I suspect I’d be bitter, burned out and bored. I think God made me for big transitions, not that I always handle them well, but so I don’t get too comfortable.

Take the latest transitions:  We just moved again. Only a few miles east of Colorado Springs, but it feels more like I’m back home in southeast Colorado.  It’s smaller, friendlier and calmer here.  I’m enjoying that.  I’m also enjoying the big, beautiful, comfy Mexican-family house we moved into with my bestie Mama. I didn’t know I still missed and needed her this much. What I’ve learned about God from my Mama is that His love is boundless.

Doesn’t God always know what he’s doing? Seems my real estate license was good for something, even though I haven’t been out door-knocking and cold calling people to get leads (that’s just not me, I am an absolute “s” for sappy on the DISC inventory, so they tell me. Did I mention I hate personality/gift inventories? They always fit too tightly). We would not have been able to swing a new home without Mama, or without my buyer agency. For that I am so grateful. What I’ve learned about God from being out of my comfort zone is that He always, always makes a way where there is no way.

Other happenings: my eldest son, Chris, moved to Texas to work at a cheese factory. I get choked up just typing that. I miss him terribly. But I know this transition is necessary for him, too. I also trust that he’ll be back again someday.  What I’ve learned about God from prodigals is that He always, always yearns for our return.

My younger son, Keaton, is also in transition. He has just moved out to his own apartment to prepare a place for his future bride, Brittany. He is much like me, but he’s figured it out sooner:  He needs to get uncomfortable for a time to reach for greater things. **Weird mom alert!** I keep going into his room to see if it still smells like him! I get to see him often, but I know things will never be the same.  Beautiful transitions are also hard. What I’ve learned about God from Keaton is that He shares our heart for what is good and true and lovely.

Keaton and Brittany’s wedding is in December. Curtis is performing the ceremony. It will be beautiful to see them united in God’s name. Yes, they are young on purpose. They’ve decided to grow up together, just like Curtis and I, and Brittany’s parents, Stephen and Debra. There are much worse things in life than to grow up with someone you love. What I’ve learned about God from watching Keaton and Brittany’s pure, fresh love is that He delights in His bride.

What else? Oh, yeah:  I’m trying to lose weight. Early menopause has been hard on me. I remember watching my friends go through it and giving them diet and exercise tips.  I’m so sorry, friends! I had no idea it was this hard to keep weight off as you get older. So I’m working out…a lot!  And I’m watching every bite..not one calorie goes uncounted! I’m the food Nazi in our family right now, bless their hearts. What I’ve learned about God from menopause is that He never meant for us to age, and that His instructions about excess are for our own good.

Finally, I am participating in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, with my daughter, Elise, who is only seventeen and writing her first novel. Did I mention that she is a SENIOR!? She is my baby girl. She’s growing up so beautifully. I know she might be leaving soon, but…I can’t even go there right now. What I’ve learned about God from my daughter is that he purposefully created us in His image…and He is proud when we reflect Him.

Anyway, back to the novel:  I’m writing that memoir. It’s both shattering and mending me, just like what Jesus did for me. Who knows, maybe I’ll get brave enough to share a peek before I’m through.

So, I’ve been busy and will be busy up until the wedding. But I am most happy and satisfied when I can write, share life with those I love, and volunteer my gifts.  Those things won’t make me rich. As Mama jokingly said, “Who needs a job when Curtis has three?” If God provides in the form of a job (I’ve applied and am waiting to hear about a part time federal job as a translator/interpreter), I will take it.

But I suspect He has me right/write where I need to be for now.

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