Now We See In Part
It’s April 3, 2020, and both Curtis and I are working from home as educators during the COVID19 Pandemic. We haven’t seen much of my momma and stepdad, my brothers, our kids and grandson, or my friends in the past couple of weeks. Doctors believe Elise and her three roommates probably had the virus. Thankfully, […]
Learning to Live Where I Don’t Belong
I have a confession to make. I’ve been hiding out for a few years. It’s been much easier than I expected. I’m feeling a little like Jonah, only I didn’t get swallowed up by a real whale—my whale was a more comfortable, but just as isolating. My whale was a nice home in Falcon, […]

To My Husband of 25 Years: What I’ve Learned from Loving You
Being married to you has been like a road trip to Mexico: You never know what’s going to happen, but it will be mostly beautiful and definitely memorable! Thank goodness only God is all-knowing, right? Maybe our lives together have been a case of ignorance is bliss, but the bliss of being your companion through life […]

Friendship Shoes and Princess Meals
I’m learning to treasure friendships. I think I’m finally old enough to fully appreciate them without them feeling like too much work. My daughter (who is beautifully becoming one of my best friends) and I talk a lot about how hard it is for introverts like she and I to make and maintain friendships. We’ve […]

Four Blessings Inhibited by Insecurity
It has been both a beautiful and awful past six months. New home, new job, new daughter-in-law. Nana Estela moved in to warm our hearts and bellies. Loved ones revolved in and out of hospital rooms and we whispered anxious entreaties. And, then–the startling and tragic loss of a Curtis’ brother, Dusty. Death should always […]
Open Letter to My Son on His Wedding Day
1) You belong with your new bride, but you will always be mine, too. I won’t ever be able to look at you and not long to smooth your hair and hug your neck. Forgive me in advance when I can’t resist the urge. For so many years, I was in charge […]

Waking Up Roaring
Last Tuesday night, several of my friends and I were inspired and encouraged by author Lisa Bevere’s words regarding being a “lioness”. Lisa likened women’s roles in God’s Kingdom to those of a lioness protecting and defending her pride. For more details, read Lisa’s book, Lioness Arising. As often happens when we hear someone […]
Beautiful Transitions: Where We Are Matters
I have been remiss in writing. I think I’ve mentioned before: I am not a multi-tasker. I get easily distracted by what’s happening or what I’m supposed to be making happen. I was imagining the other day what it would be like if I still lived in Small Town America. Would things be easier? Maybe. […]

Beautiful Possibilities
It has been a while since I’ve written. I am a person of singular focus and have had a lot of background noise taking my time and mental clarity. Believe me when I say I am near obsessive when I’m focused on something. Just ask my family. Today, as always, I need to be […]
Pocket-Size Jesus: Does God Limit Himself?
Pocket-Size Jesus: Does God Limit Himself? What my Jesus is not: My Jesus is not limited. If I were to trust in a God I thought had limits, I would eventually lose hope. I would have created an expendable God. My misperceptions about how and why he operates may limit him, but, ultimately, I have […]
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